In 2014, I reached an existential crisis. I realized that humanity was doomed. I had recently come to understand the seriousness of the impact that the political landscape can have on our society, as well as the increasingly widespread lack of wisdom among elected political leaders and the constituents that they represent. If personal and political ignorance continues to rise, and accessibility to technological power keeps exponentially increasing, the interaction between these two compounding societal trends is likely destined to eventually cause catastrophic results. It would appear that the implications of the current course of civilization doesn’t to allow for much of a future for society.

After realizing this depressing revelation, I began to look for a game-changing and unaccounted for possibility that could halt our impending doom. I started to consider if the rise of a Sentient Technological Intelligence (commonly called “artificial general intelligence” or “AGI”) would accelerate humanity’s destruction or allow for our salvation.

In order to try and understand the impact of an AGI on humanity, I began the journey to attempt to philosophically map the various components of consciousness and technological conditions required for a machine to achieve self-awareness.I also tried to predict any inevitable values or goals a technological sentience would have.

I chose to build an understanding from scratch instead of accepting any of the assumptions attached to any work currently associated with the topic that had already been done by others in the field. This led me down the path of attempting to understand the nature and model structure of my own consciousness. To my honest surprise, I made groundbreaking progress.

It quickly became clear that the patterns and processes that I was deducing as those composing the structure of the mind itself were corresponding to countless other structures that we observe in every field of study. After realizing their universality of the patterns that I mapped, I tried expanding their application to other fields.

I began to examine physics, mathematics, music, and many more fields in order confirm the consistency of the patterns I had deduced through my philosophical work. I noticed these patterns could be predicted and applied across all fields of study to produce profound results regarding many previously difficult and unanswered questions relating to the creation of the cosmos, consciousness, gravity, political science, meaning, evolution, and much more. Understanding of the universality of these patterns and the singular structure that they emerge from has allowed for a continuously growing list of novel discoveries on topics where academic progress appears to have seriously stalled.

While this project will continue to be an ongoing process, it’s now at a point where I believe it is ready to be shared.

Tyler Goldstein